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Lagrinet® Neo

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Lagrinet® Neo

Hydrating Solution. Product for ocular hygiene and care.

Descripción del producto

Hydrating Solution. Product for ocular hygiene and care.

  • Sterile solution
  • 3 months of use after opening
  • Multidose OSD system.
  • Continuous use

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Sodium Hyaluronate

It is a viscoelastic glycosaminoglycan that, thanks to its high capacity to retain water, counteracts ocular dryness by providing hydration and long-lasting lubrication to the conjunctival surface and corneal epithelium, allowing greater adhesion of the tear film. Additionally, it exerts a protective film-forming action against foreign bodies, such as dust and dirt from the ground, as well as against contact with allergens.

Distilled water from Aloe vera

Known for its moisturizing, emollient, and wound healing properties.

Distilled water from Centella asiatica

Helps promote healing of corneal epithelial wounds.


Lagrinet® Neo

Multidose OSD container of 10 ml of sterile hypo-osmolar solution. Thanks to its OSD dispenser, sterility is maintained, and contamination of the product inside the container is avoided.

Multidose OSD container of 10 ml of sterile hypo-osmolar solution. Thanks to its OSD dispenser, sterility is maintained, and contamination of the product inside the container is avoided.

What are the instructions for use?


External use.
Open the bottle and apply 1 drop to the surface of each eye by pressing the container.
Once opened, it can be used for up to 3 months, thanks to the multidose OSD system.
Avoid contact of the applicator with any surface.
Continuous use.
It can be used as often as necessary, as it does not contain preservatives.

Dry Eyes in Dogs and Other Pets: Problems and Care

Lacrimal hyposecretion is a medical term that refers to a problem in which a dog's or cat's eyes do not produce enough tears. Tears are special fluids that keep the eyes moist and healthy. They are essential for ocular health and the comfort of our pets

Problems associated with dry eyes in dogs, cats, and other animals

When a dog or cat has lacrimal hyposecretion (dry eye syndrome), it can experience several problems:

Dry and irritated eyes:Lack of tears can make the eyes feel dry and uncomfortable. This can lead to itching, burning, and redness.

Increased susceptibility to infections:Tears not only keep the eyes moist but also help protect them against eye infections.

Blurry vision: Lack of tears can cause your pet to have difficulty seeing clearly.

Damage to the ocular surface:Over time, lacrimal hyposecretion can damage the eye's surface, which can be painful and lead to more serious problems.

If you notice that your dog or cat has red, dry, or irritated eyes, it is important to take them to the veterinarian. The veterinarian can perform an eye exam and recommend the appropriate treatment, which may include saline solution, artificial tears, or medications to help keep your pet's eyes healthy and comfortable.

How Lagrinet Neo Helps Your Pet's Ocular Health:

Lagrinet® Neo is a lubricating and moisturizing solution that acts as an artificial tear. Helping to:

Maintain the integrity of the conjunctival surface

Thanks to its film-forming action and absence of preservatives, it avoids harmful effects on the corneal epithelium, allowing for more frequent applications and improving long-term results.

Maintain eye hydration and lubrication

Thanks to its lubricating and moisturizing solution that acts as an artificial tear.

Protecting the eye surface

Against irritations caused by foreign bodies or contact with allergens.

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"At Pharmadiet, we encourage all pet owners to maintain a close relationship with their trusted veterinarian.

egular consultations with veterinary professionals are fundamental for preventive care, early diagnosis of health problems, and planning appropriate treatments.

Through our close collaboration with these experts, we work together to keep your animal companions in their best health, ensuring a full and active life for them."

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Pharmadiet Veterinary is a brand specialized in complementary feeds for animals and products for the hygiene, care, and management of animals for animal health with over 30 years of experience

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Pharmadiet Veterinaria es una marca especializada en suplementos alimentarios para animales y productos para la higiene, cuidado y manejo de los animales para la salud animal con más de 30 años de experiencia

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